1.The name chocolate comes from the Aztec word xocalati meaning bitter water. Not surprising, considering they made a drink, by mixing cacao beans with chillies, achiote, cornmeal, and some reports suggest the inclusion hallucinogenic Mushrooms (probably helped to get over the taste).
2. One chocolate chip provides enough food energy for an adult to walk 150 feet. Therefore, it takes about 35 chocolate chips to walk a mile or 875,000 to get you around the world.
3. Terry's of York will produce over 350 million segments of chocolate orange per year and 28,000 Terrys Chocolate Oranges are made from 5 tonnes of chocolate.
4. 17,000 people in Belgium work in the chocolate industry!
5. More than 7 billion chocolate chips are eaten annually and one chocolate chip provides enough food energy for an adult to walk 150 feet. Therefore, it takes about 35 chocolate chips to walk a mile or 875,000 to get you around the world.
6. Chocolate in a blue wrapper won’t sell in Shanghai or Hong Kong, because the Chinese associate blue with death.
7. If the number of Toblerones sold in one year were laid end to end, they would equate to 62,000 Km – equivalent to the circumference of the Earth.
8. Napoleon always carried chocolate with him, which he ate as a pick-me-up
whenever he needed an energy boost!
9. Almost half the world's chocolate is consumed in America and dark chocolate has more antioxidants than green tea and just as many as blueberries.
10. Chocolate contains over 300 mineral properties that are beneficial to your health.
11. White chocolate really isn't chocolate. It's made from cocoa butter, the substance you get by pressing cocoa beans. Cocoa butter is absent of the cocoa solids used to make chocolate.
12. Dark chocolate has more antioxidants than green tea and just as many as blueberries.
Very interesting